Monday, February 13, 2012

We have talked about adoption for 8 years

 Ok well I guess I better tell you a little about our begining story with adoption. We have talked about adopting since we were dating (It was a pretty important thing to me that who ever I married had to want to adopt just like me. So I was very excited that Jordan was not oppossed to the idea just never thought of doing it himself. He always thought it was pretty cool of our friends who adopted from Ukraine and others that he knew of. So I prayed everyday that God would put it on Jordan's heart to want to as much as I did and that we would be on the same page if we were going to get married. At that time we were just dating. I didn't want to push him into anything cause I knew that would cause more harm than good. So I prayed everyday  quitely. Randomly one day he brought it up to me and told me that it was on his heart to adopt just as we were adopted by Christ. I was beyond thrilled I knew before I had such a wonderful man but then after hereing him talk about adoption that just did me in I was deffinately hooked!!

   So the years went on and as soon as we got married I started doing my homework on adoption , different agencies, and requirements. I knew it would take a while to finally get our child so I wanted to get a jump start! It wasn't till after we had been married a year and we wanted to start having children. We talked back and forth on whether to adopt first or have our own Biological children first. I really wanted to adopt and I wanted to adopt TWINS!! I always thought having twins was so cool I just never wanted to be pregnant with twins! Well I think God has a very funny sense of humor cause long behold we decided to have our Bio children first and there we had it I got pregnant with our TWINS! It was definately not your typical pregnancy by any means. After spending 2 months in the Hospital on my back not able to even sit up to eat for 8 weeks I had my sweet little babies at 34 weeks pregnant. they were perfect little things and did very well and where only in the hospital for 10 and 11 days. So by the time they were 6 months I started looking again into adoption and it got pushed further and further away to finally this year!!

   I cant believe that we are finally doing this after so much prayer and fasting and more prayer and seeking the Lord for His timing we pulled the trigger and are embarking on this crazy rollercoaster of a ride  ( paper Chase). I know most people would want a house first and everything perfect before they do something like adding another child to their family ,but God doesnt say you need a house and a room for each kid and a mortgage and a giant car and all these other things that are just materialistic. I know there are times where we do need those things and hopefully are working towards in the future but our main thing is we want to follow what God has for us. We want to make sure we do what we are called to do and not  to be held back in fear of the unknown.  God called all of us to take care of the Orphans and to our family that means adopting one!! I am going to do lots of reaserch on the DR CONGO and will be posting alot more as I get used to doing a blog. Please bear with me as I learn this blog stuff and adoption stuff. Thanks again for following our journey and praying for us!!

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